Jim Hightower


Serene Eternity
A Bad Case Of Writer's Block
The Village
Bridge From A Snowy Place
The Neighborhood Eight And A. Jones
The Birdman of Carter's Lake
Neverland by A.M.Sullivan
Photographs by Brett Talley
Saved By Mr. F.Scott Fitzgerald by Allen Woodman
The Loneliness of the Late-Night Donut Shop by Gary L. Eikenberry
The Ending is the Beginning
The Adventure Begins
A Step Into Eternity
Love is Eternal
Small Pain In My Chest by Michael Mack
Poetry of Jim Kittelberger
The Factory
The Butterfly
Glowing Embers
Endless Conversation
I Knew You But A Moment
I Thought About Death Today
The Spiders Web
Midnight Train
Fathers, Sons and Grandsons
Be A Man, They Say
When I Daydream
The Hummer and the Horse
Poetry By Kersh
Coffee Shop by Alan Goodson
Lost In War by Ben Siragusa
The Soldier by Leslie Burchard
Poetry of Jerry Vilhotti
Masters Poetry
World Poetry Audio Library
Sad Samantha the Sparrow
A Very Special Creation
Professor Knowitalls Magnifient? Invention
The Ring
Grimm Fairy Tales and Anderson Fairy Tales
Aesops Fables
The Street
The Internet
A Renewable Joy
I've Been Mile-Stoned
A Gift of Louie
Word Phun
Baseball, I Love It.
Retirement Plans
A Retired Man's Period of Adjustment
Walter Mills
Mable and Elsie Are Leaving
At The Middle Passage
On The Road Again
Bumper Bites by Tina Bennett-Kastor
Jim Hightower
Katharine Hunt 'What A Wonderful World'
Israel-Part II
In The Kitchen With HazyJ
The Cookbook of HazyJ
The Twentieth Century-Decade by Decade
The 100 Best Novels of the Twentieth Century
Contact Me

Jim Hightower bills himself as America's Number One Populist. He's a national radio commentator, writer, public speaker and author. Hightower believes that the true political spectrum is not right to left but top to bottom, and he has become a leading national voice for the 80 percent of the public who no longer find themselves within shouting distance of the Washington and Wall Street powers at the top.

I like to read his stuff, he is loud, opinionated and sometimes edgy, and never boring except to the other political persuation.

Studs Terkel, whom I admire greatly writes of Jim Hightower:

"Thank God for Jim Hightower. Instead of leaving us stewing in anger and despair, he rallies us with stories of our own history and of our own neighbors, inspiring us to take charge of our own democratice destiny. And he leaves us laughing and thinking at the same time."

Studs Terkel

With Mr. Hightower's permission, I will, from time to time, be posting his commentaries. I like them, they're fun and from time to time he's right on.



When your doctor recommends a particular medicine or treatment for your heart condition, asthma, diabetes, or other ailment...who's talking to you?

Is it your doctor making the recommendation, or is it a drug company speaking through your doc? In choosing treatments for you, most physicians rely on what the profession calls "clinical protocols," which are guidelines written by medical researchers and usually published in medical journals. But what the researchers and the journals fail to reveal is the fact that drug makers have their monetary tentacles wrapped around most of the authors of these guidelines, raising major questions about whether your doctor is unknowingly recommending a treatment that has been tainted with drug company cash.

The New York Times reports that a recent survey was taken of 100 of the researchers who write these guidelines. Nine out of ten of them admitted that they have financial ties to the drug industry, including getting drug-company consulting fees and even getting their research financed by the industry. Worse, six out of ten had financial ties directly to the companies making the very drug that they were researching and recommending.

The pharmaceutical giants claim that these monetary ties to researchers are merely an innocent effort to help educate doctors. However, Dr. Marcia Angell, the former editor of the respected New England Journal of Medicine, says the relationship is not at all altruistic or about education: "Most consulting arrangements are simply a way for researchers to make money and the industry to buy their goods will," she told the Times adds that by paying researchers to serve on advisory boards and to make speeches at industry meetings, "the drug companies retain influence over them to a remarkable degree."

This is Jim Hightower saying...To learn how you can help sever these corrupting ties that bind, contact the Health Research Group at Public Citizen: 202-588-1000.

"Study Says Clinical Guides Often Hide Ties of Doctor" New York Times 2/6/2002


Click here to visit Jim Hightower's web page for his schedule and other commentaries.