"Come on in". You're welcome in my kitchen anytime. Pull up a chair and I'll pour you a cup of coffee, or tea if you prefer. I've got something I want you to taste.
Click the underlined hyperlink below to enter The Cookbook of HazyJ for some yummy recipes.
The Cookbook of HazyJ "Food, like a loving touch or a glimpse of divine power, has that ability to comfort"
Norman Kolpas
A TIP(S) My sister Marie has found that ceramic top range cleaners are also good for removing sticker or label residue from glass. I found that it also works on slick plastic surfaces, but not very well on a textured surface. During the winter, static electricity in your hair can be lessened if you rub a dryer sheet over your comb or hairbrush a couple of times. Then pray for spring. Andy Warhol in the picture forgot this tip. 