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I love this site. It will bring back memories or will teach you things you didn't know. It is crammed with social history. If only school was this much fun.
If you have any interest in the Forties, you have to love this site. I was kindly given permission by Peggy Whitley to link to her very comprehensive collection of that time when all our lives changed in some way.
The page is loaded with links, and just like a magnificent old tree, it has branches branching off to other branches. It covers every facet of the decade. You will have a wonderful time browsing around and if you come back, as you will have to, to see everything, you will be immersed in everything that was the forties.
The poster below was a typical rendering of the people on the homefront during the biggest event of the forties and arguably the century, the Second World War.
You will find the following categories to help you navigate if you just have a little while to browse.
Art & Architecture
Books & Literature
Fashion and Fads
Historic Events
Music & Radio
Theater, Film, and Television